Join Our Group Free

We DO NOT sell anything. We are a group of friends that enjoy collecting and sharing movies and TV series. In order to grow our group and collection, we are offering membership totally for free. Enjoy full access to all movies, and learn how to best watch them on your TV and mobile devices. Please continue if you are interested.

When it comes to technology, constant change is here to stay. The DVD (720x480) replaced VHS tapes, just as the CD did audio cassettes. Before DVD caught on, it was surpassed by the Blu-ray disc capable of high-definition (1920x1080). Prior to high-speed Internet, these plastic optical discs were the best way to distribute movies, video games, and computer apps.

Nowadays, free online services allow you to download a complete movie file to your hard drive. You can now share your collection with family and friends online, just as you would a physical movie disc.

While discs become scratched or lost over time, you always have a perfect digital master copy saved in your free personal vault in the cloud. The film industry now uses companies like to protect your collection.

Getting Started

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